Thursday, February 23, 2012

Everlasting Solution

Feeling empty and stoic about my life, I remind myself that: "We can lack nothing, because Jesus died so we can have it all". My brother Freddy texted me these words some time ago. The message is brief and simple, yet its content impressive and powerful. I have known the reality of God's love since I was officially saved in 2002. Unfortunately, like many Christians, I tend to forget the significance and value of His truth. We have been blessed with the greatest Gift of all, Jesus Christ, by the grace and mercy of God. Yet we incessantly count on ourselves to fix situations, when He has already provided us a permanent, everlasting Solution.

A lot of things have been boggling my mind lately, random thoughts and questions about circumstances that are out of my control. These although do not involve me directly, hurt me, because I see my loved ones suffering. I take the problems into my own hands instead of lifting them up to God, and this has not helped me or restored the issues at all. I communicated my advice and opinions about their broken relationships, marriages, and teenage misbehavior management. However, without consulting God's Word first.

I was overwhelmed with unease. Hence, I tried to find immediate resolutions myself, when I should have sought for God's answers. Philippians 4:6-7 says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Oftentimes, we fail to remember God's love and grace. When faced with strife, we react impulsively, and take action on our own. While God is only waiting for us to approach Him.

Jesus is inviting everyone who is weary and burdened to come to Him, and He will give us rest (Matthew 11:28). We can easily be stress-free if we choose to surrender our worries to God. But the ball is on our court to give up our cares or not. Troubles are inevitable, but when we leave them with Him, they become less arduous to handle. As a matter of fact, we may even stop feeling the whole weight of the tribulation.

I am still concerned about my loved ones' well-being. However, I have decided to relinquish my concerns and distress to God in prayer. At this point, there is really nothing I can do. The reasonable and better choice is to trust in God and leave the driving to Him. I am uncertain as to where my loved ones' predicament will lead to, but I believe God's will will prevail above anything. And with Jesus Christ, the everlasting Solution on my side, I am assured everything will turn out fine in His time. Like Freddy said, "We can lack nothing, because Jesus died so we can have it all". Letting go and letting God.

☮ and ♥

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